Encara no tenim significats per a "external thing".
1Therefore it is unlawful for any man to appropriate any external thing to himself.
2Therefore it seems unlawful for a man to appropriate an external thing to himself.
3Faith must have before it some external thing.
4In scientific science, this external thing is-investigation
5Finally, we know that an image may become so vivid and insistent as to be mistaken for an external thing.
6If thou art pained by any external thing, it is not this thing that disturbs thee, but thy own judgment about it.
7But let it be ever so much an external thing here stand God's Word and command which institute, establish, and confirm Baptism.
8For, to speak plainly, whatever the external thing may be, the value which we set upon it places us in subjection to others.
9Again we are impressed with the contrast of internal and external things.
10We are all dependent upon external things for being and for wellbeing.
11Alma continued to walk along the Nymphenburg road, unconscious of external things.
12I'm doing more things to get my brain thinking about external things.
13External things are of account in the matter; and of very considerable account.
14He trod the precious soil and found all external things glowing in beauty.
15They are the conscious reaction of the mind upon external things.
16Previously all external things had existed for him; now he existed for them.
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