The 3-30 Hz range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Examples for "ELF"
Examples for "ELF"
1The concentration-time profiles of both agents in plasma and ELF were similar.
2Many of the wrecked vehicles were spraypainted with the groups's initials, ELF.
3The elf grinned again and said, 'I wish-sh you a good death-th.'
4If Terek Molt didn't know, that meant the Elf was still free.
5This particular type of elf visits the mortal lands all the time.
1Accumulating evidence suggests significant biological effects caused by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF).
2This variant was found to be either absent or at extremely low frequency in general population databases.
3Our analyses suggest that hybridization may be occurring at extremely low frequency between both species in our study area.
4We demonstrated that exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) enhanced dopamine levels in the rat striatum.
5He will test the effects of a device which creates tiny but harmless extremely low frequency (ELF) electric currents inside the body.
6Tells about his involvement in a study of Extremely Low Frequency Radiation sponsored by the US Navy; the Navy later suppressed the negative report.
Translations for extremely low frequency