The hair growing on the lower part of a man's face.
Examples for "beard"
Examples for "beard"
1Clean-shaven years ago, he now had a beard that needed a trim.
2The beard was in Elizabethan times the recognized characteristic of the witch.
3CJ: Within the Islamic faith, the beard is mandatory for the men.
4He hadn't shaved in two days; still not much of a beard.
5Is all right, everything.' His thick beard split into a broken-toothed smile.
1He twitched his whiskers, gave a good sniff, and rejected the nuggets.
2She could feel the whiskers growing back that he'd shaved that morning.
3I'd be growing whiskers in a couple of years, she told me.
4His long whiskers sailed round the turn of the stairs and disappeared.
5This Mayor Banks was in bed all but his whiskers and feet.
1Roy Keane, sporting a feral face fungus, was sent off, having picked up two yellows in the first 21 minutes.
Translations for face fungus