An educator who works at a college or university.
Examples for "academic"
Examples for "academic"
1That's the new message out from public health academic, Professor Grant Schofield.
2Methods: Case reports of two men admitted to an academic medical center.
3However, he said teachers required other qualities in addition to academic ability.
4It's decisively effected the stability and cohesion of Europe, the academic said.
5After completing his academic course work, Wes started on his professional training.
1The court academician was more than a scholar-hewas an exemplary figure.
2He attended its meetings, and fulfilled all the duties of an academician.
3An academician, also; that is what we want, and both are 'archi-decore'.
4The opinion of another well-known academician, Jules Claretie, is of the same kind.
5As academician, he was, however, at St. Petersburg, liberally recompensed by Catherine II.
1Darvasi is still listed as a faculty member on the university's website.
2But you're still a faculty member and the dean will see you.
3She glimpses the cellist, a shriveled faculty member with curly yellow hair.
4I have a new faculty member I want you to meet.
5The New School appointed Cage as a faculty member in 1956.
6As a reward, he was assigned to Roland, the most intimidating faculty member.
7As a faculty member, your mother didn't earn a great deal.
8She is also a faculty member of The School of Life
9So, in the mean time, find an experienced faculty member and ask for help.
10Another faculty member complained to Heydrich's office about something Schlösser said in a lecture.
11In the mentored group, a faculty member facilitated the process.
12The package bore a return address for a Northwestern University faculty member, Buckley Crist.
13Another special category of Bohemians is that of faculty member.
14One coworker recalled advice I gave him when he was a non-tenured faculty member.
15He was a graduate and faculty member of The University of the West Indies.
16A faculty member is soothing him by rubbing his back.
Translations for faculty member