Put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive.
1And I fancy up to now she has had her own way in everything.
2You can fancy up my excuse, or think up one of your own-I don't care which.
3And look at you, all fancied up and haristocratic, I see.
4Haymitch and Effie are all fancied up for the occasion.
5There goes the chief, Terry, all fancied up like a bathroom on a German liner!
6She was all fancied up to do housework.
7Elisandra wore one of my old dresses, hastily fancied up with ruffles of antique lace by my landlady, the seamstress.
8"That was what I myself fancied up till Monday last."
9I don't know how much of it's true and how much of it's fancied up, but I've never heard or seen anything to contradict it.
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