A rural area where farming is practiced.
Examples for "farmland"
Examples for "farmland"
1For example, not every U.S. farming state allows institutional ownership of farmland.
2It is claimed that sea water is coming through onto farmland again.
3If there is no job, Papa knows where to find good farmland.
4Support for farmland solar systems is to be scrapped completely from July.
5Farmer Peter Checkley said a large part of his farmland was destroyed.
1The Picos is still a busy farming area but times are changing fast.
2The school was based on Queensland's Archerfield Aerodrome - once a farming area.
3Wafra is a farming area south of the capital.
4The reports on Wu's death did not say whether he came from a farming area.
5Some of the farming area needed to be upgraded.
6The farming area is being extended immensely.
7Residents of Matale, a hilly farming area, have their suspicions about who lies under their rust-coloured soil.
8Residents of Matale, a hilly farming area, have their suspicions about who lies under their rust-colored soil.
9We describe between-farm contacts in Kimilili sub-county of Bungoma County, a mixed farming area of predominately smallholder farmers.
10The bungalow is in a scenic farming area between Killorglin and Killarney in the foothills of the Macgillycuddy's Reeks.
11In recent days the groups have fought through a farming area called Ibrahim Bin Ali within 16 miles of Baghdad.
13Dr Benschop said all doctors need to be aware of the disease, whether they were in a farming area or a city.
14Somerset is a really, really white area, and it doesn't really reflect the rest of the world, this rural farming area where we live.
15Situated in a strong farming area about a mile outside the Co Wexford town, the club plans to review the situation on an ongoing basis.
16Baiji's police chief Colonel Mudhher al-Qaisi said the civilians were shepherds who were in a farming area in the town when the strike took place.
Translations for farming area