Encara no tenim significats per a "fat man".
1The fat man is the universal goat; he is humanity's standing joke.
2But the fat man then made for the door of the cell.
3The fat man looked up, and spake in a loud, asthmatic wheeze:
4On this the fat man knocked once and opened immediately without waiting.
5Osman, the fat man explained-hadbeen about to make a fatal error.
6Stopping before the advertising man and looking down the fat man winked.
7At this Donnegan narrowed his eyes and searched the fat man thoroughly.
8Pity the sorrows of a big fat man under such a fire.
9The fat man was so overcome by excitement he could hardly speak.
10I'll go up there and sit with that fat man in front.
11A fat man cannot wear the clothes he would like to wear.
12The fat man smiled, and whistled a little tune expressive of contempt.
13The short, fat man started at sight of her and drew back.
14As his audience swelled, the fat man from Philadelphia grew exceedingly vivid.
15Then one enormously fat man asked me to do something for him.
16Orville had the fat man's sense of rhythm and love of music.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Fat man a través del temps
Fat man per variant geogràfica