Encara no tenim significats per a "feel no one".
1You can spend years banging on about an issue and feel no one is really listening.
2As a matter of fact, it works even better in lower socio-economic groups because they feel no one trusts them.
3They feel no one will believe them and they are often ridiculed when they find the courage to make a complaint.
4Second, the views expressed are some of the underlying reasons many victims do not come forward because they feel no one will believe them.
5The priest who conducted her funeral felt no one should ever feel that alone and isolated and set up the organisation.
6They did not answer, and now Tedham and his daughter looked at each other, with what feeling no one can ever fully say.
7And yet it was that feeling no one but Killigrew, who frankly mooted it, had a suspicion of as possible, so Ishmael realised with shame.
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