Encara no tenim significats per a "fiendish malignity".
1This was said in a voice of terrible and fiendish malignity.
2An expression of fiendish malignity stamped his face.
3With fiendish malignity, the officer seized the weapon and thrust it into the bosom of the brave colonel.]
4The features were almost unformed, preternaturally small under the great, overhanging brow; and they had an expression of fiendish malignity.
5In pure fiendish malignity, and in all those qualities which are abhorrent and shameful, he surpasses even, that arch-villain Wiggins himself.
6The Doctor's pad undoubtedly saved his life, but no amount of padding could avert entirely the fiendish malignity of those merciless iron flails.
7"Bid a last farewell to thy son, then, proud minion," he replied, with fiendish malignity; "for an ye part now, it is forever.
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