Encara no tenim significats per a "fill with gunpowder".
1A hole was drilled into the rock and filled with gunpowder.
2The balls were nearly filled with gunpowder and the remaining space with a slow-burning composition.
3I found a cast-iron mortar, exactly fitted for my purpose, which I filled with gunpowder.
4The pipe is sealed with solder at one end and filled with gunpowder or fireworks.
5A large earthenware jar filled with gunpowder, stones, and bits of iron is buried in the earth.
6He then pressed the cartridge, filled with gunpowder, into the wad of explosive, which he moulded to the door.
7It was supposed to be filled with gunpowder, the explosion of which would have blown the poor minister to atoms.
8When not filled with gunpowder or gun-cotton, dynamite and other explosive substances are used instead for charging these submarine war-engines.
9This same shell, if filled with gunpowder, would have contained but twenty-five pounds, and have had but one-ninth the power.
10Two iron boilers were filled with gunpowder, and it was arranged that these should be sunk in the Nile at convenient spots.
11There were mortars, which lobbed a large iron shell filled with gunpowder in a high trajectory, and which exploded with horrible effect.
12"The kegs are filled with gunpowder," said Spider, in a low tone, turning to those aft.
13I remember reading once about the way a rock was undermined, and the mine filled with gunpowder with an electric wire leading to it.