Large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat; of Atlantic and Pacific.
Examples for "finback "
Examples for "finback "
1 W'en I uz young 'n foolish, a finback range 'longside me one day, off de Seychelles.
2 For a long time our finback kept station with the boat, as if it were interested in us.
3 Gray finback whales flounder in schools.
4 From which lucid narration I gathered that the finback had himself to thank for his immunity from pursuit.
5 It is not very likely, but it is possible that this finback may carry us out to some distance.
1 A 12 metre fin whale is stuck against a pier wall in west Cork.
2 This is only the fourth fin whale to wash ashore in this area since 2010.
3 A 20-metre fin whale which became stranded on a beach in Achill Island has died.
4 It might be a hybrid: perhaps the offspring of a blue whale and a fin whale .
5 This particular fin whale 's last hours began early yesterday morning, when it stranded on Stinson Beach sometime after midnight.
1 Gray finback whales flounder in schools.
2 'Twas a finback whale , M. Radisson explained; and he protested against the impudence of scratching its back on our keel.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for finback whale