Statement contradicted by facts and reality.
Examples for "falsehood"
Examples for "falsehood"
1The climax is in the deliberate falsehood contained in the closing words.
2Say yes or no; one word will suffice; but beware of falsehood.
3No virtue assists itself with falsehood; truth is never matter of error.
4Both are forms of falsehood, ways of reducing and demeaning our humanity.
5There is always a propriety in truth, and an impropriety in falsehood.
1And anomalies accustom the mind to the idea of unreason and untruth.
2But the senses witness to the untruth of what some maintain; viz.
3He told the untruth unblushingly; it was by no means his first.
4The closest she could come to untruth was to refrain from speaking.
5Clearly that's a stereotypical untruth, although that's never stopped the Fiver before.
1The causes of falsity I have set forth very clearly in II.
2They scoffed and jeered at it; denounced it as a manifest falsity.
3Yet the truth or falsity of the protest had not been investigated.
4There is but one Truth and we can not establish a falsity.
5Is not the truth of ignorance better than the falsity of superstition?
1To dream of weevils, portends loss in trade and falseness in love.
2There is no preternatural inefficacy in it by reason of its falseness.
3Who are the critics of the falseness of artifice in the Play?
4We dread still more to show falseness in taste than in mind.
5Ballast of falseness, they're useful for nothing but to render us useless.
1The discrepancy in the figures is a sufficient proof of their untruthfulness.
2And Betty laughed gayly at the untruthfulness of this picture of herself.
3That statement contains another evidence of the untruthfulness of a half truth.
4The imputation of untruthfulness was one to which she was particularly sensitive.
5A period of extensive untruthfulness and deception occurred before she left home.
1It is wonderful how very simple it is to flim-flam a philosopher.
2Some of it is flim-flam and some of it is actually quite serious.
3To its credit, the Portuguese entry avoided all this flim-flam.
4To check the press release is not full of flam (very rare) 2.
5And that's not the only flim-flam going on here.
6Dr. Peile believes it to be all a flam.
7Finally, in a court lit by a wrought-iron flam beau, she turned to face him.
8There's also some nonsensical flim-flam going around claiming that selfies are leading to more plastic surgery.
9Not for nothing shall they flim-flam Georges Coutlass!
10The flash and the flam of the fashions becoming sad reminders of a moment grasped too forcefully.
11If it had been Eddie Irvine in '99, it would have had the hollow ring of flim-flam.
12They'll flim-flam you out of it somehow.
13Even if you get hold of something good, them dam-robber government sharks will flim-flam you out of it.
14Anyway, it's all flim-flam, meaningless games.
15Though he had looked far less flam boy ant than usual, today, now she came to think of it.
16What you hear from the Bush administration is plain speaking, stripped of all babble and flam, and it's wonderful.