Encara no tenim significats per a "follow proclamation".
1Late in the evening of the 9th the following proclamation was published:
2His son Alexander accepted the throne and issued the following proclamation:
3The deputies and maires of Paris have placarded the following proclamation:-
4The next morning the following proclamation was issued by Colonel Travis:
5Then the people were silenced, and the following proclamation was read:
6On behalf of the Duma Committee, Rodzianko issued the following proclamation:
7President Madison issued the following proclamation for a day of thanksgiving:-
8At the bottom of the poster, in forty-eight-point bold-face type, ran the following proclamation:
9Influenced by these ideas, the government issued the following proclamation:
10The following proclamation addressed to the population was posted here:
11The following proclamation was immediately afterwards issued by the Lieutenant-Governor.
12I drew up the following proclamation to read to the U.S. official in my district:
13Early in the operations Gomez issued the following proclamation:
14Abubeker had scarcely seated himself in the khalifate, when he put forth the following proclamation:
15Before leaving Durazzo, the Prince of Wied addressed the following proclamation to the Albanian people:
16The following proclamation has been received from the President: