Aggregation of works that originate from the same source.
1I wish our fonds were well oot of them, and in yird and stane, which is a constansie.
2Nat., fonds Français, 12577, fo.
3And again La Nature contient le fonds de toutes ces varietes: mais le hasard ou l'art les mettent en oeuvre.
4The balance is held by Dutch charitable trust Fonds NutsOhra.
5An ambulance rushed her to hospital in La Chaux-de-Fonds.
6The Company's main shareholder is Fonds Truffle Capital.
7Buddy Elias is president of Anne Frank Fonds.
8Famous names abounded on that map-such as Souchez, Ablain St. Nazaire, St. Eloi, Fonds de Buval.
9The crash took place near the town of Fonds Verettes near the border with the Dominican Republic.
10So we showed him some pictures of today's record holder, a shoe by National Fonds Kinderhulp in Amsterdam.
11From the northern point of the peninsula, Pointe des Hauts-Fonds, the reefs extend for three leagues to the North and North-North-West.
12"La Nature contient le fonds de toutes ces varietes, mais le hazard ou l'art les mettent en oeuvre," as Maupertuis most truly said.