Encara no tenim significats per a "forced under".
1Diane, something appears to have been forced under the nail on the ring finger.
2The rear of the hydroplane was forced under water.
3No people must be forced under sovereignty under which it does not wish to live.
4Then the dog put its paws on his shoulders, and he was forced under and drowned.
5The current flipped him over, his left arm rising instinctively as his head was forced under.
6When it was in such great demand, the nurserymen increased it by root cuttings, forced under glass.
7Premier Andrews said hot spots could be forced under stay at home orders should cases continue to rise.
8So, much hard work was done before the good collier was ready to be forced under the waves.
9His head was slowly forced under.
10In the event of a show-down I do not wish to be forced under oath to tell what I know-orsuspect.
11During the day, he wrote, man's will power revolts with highest energy against any attempt at being forced under another's will and another's opinion.
12Then Tor, feeling bulky in her sleeveless nightgown, had been forced under Ci's eagle eye to lay all the clothes out on the bed.
13One of the party proposed shaking or rocking the bell, and doing so, the water was forced under and the bell lifted from the ooze.
14Some instrument had been forced under the bottom of the lower sash and pressure enough been brought to bear to break the thin steel lever.
15The pirate skipper had gone under, at first, then surfaced to witness as the helmsman, screaming in panic, was forced under the wreck and lost.
16"One doesn't mind the thing so much when it is not forced under one's nose," said Harris.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Forced under a través del temps
Forced under per variant geogràfica