Encara no tenim significats per a "forgotten place".
1A dark room in a forgotten place; an old bedroom, perhaps.
2It smelled of must and mold of some long- forgotten place.
3The warehouse fell as silent as any old, forgotten place.
4We belonged to the same forgotten place and time.
5He remembered it as uncomprehendingly as one remembers mislaying a lost object in a forgotten place.
6Until last Saturday the village, 20 miles from the nearest city, was a quiet forgotten place.
7Strange to be here in this lost, forgotten place, sleeping under the roof with tramps and beggars.
8I visited the village several times while shooting this story, and it seemed to me a forgotten place.
9He need not hold a college degree, or even a high-school diploma, tucked away in some forgotten place.
10It is a wild, forgotten place.
11I'd thought it odd then that they'd been hung in such a dark, forgotten place; now it seemed positively menacing.
12A young woman lives there, tucked among the sprawling tunnels of the Underthing, snug in the heart of this forgotten place.
13Next morning I found out the English Cathedral, which is at the very border, so to speak, of that forgotten place.
14And so 25 years after the original Cosmic club closed, is Baldelli happy that the spirit of such a long- forgotten place has survived?
15Much of the best is lost; much of it is hidden away in forgotten places.
16"We'll look carefully, but don't expect this forgotten place to hold many secrets. "
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