Encara no tenim significats per a "former landlord".
1A Mr. Skully, a former landlord, is after me for money.
2Our lands are held by a Frenchman who bought them of the former landlord.
3A former landlord of Mark Bridger has told how he was assaulted by the child killer.
4Tywala said she was worried that her former landlord would not welcome her back in his yard.
5Jutting's former landlord declined to be interviewed.
6A former landlord told him to shave his beard "otherwise people will think (you're) a terrorist".
7The home invader is his former landlord, who is in dispute with the bank that repossessed the property last year.
8His former landlord and neighbour heard little about him until Thursday morning, when gaggles of photographers began to congregate outside.
9El Santisimo pays homage to its former landlord, the church, by serving dishes with names such as The Sacrilege and The Creed.
10This man has got it into his head that he was a former landlord of mine and that I owe him money.
11The sleeping apartments are in the fourth story, and are named according to the fancy of a former landlord, in mottos above each door.
12Nor by the name of the landlord, or of some former landlord, as with us in London, and in many cities of the Continent.
13We have a Frenchman ruling in our place; he bought the estate from our former landlord, and won't let it-andthere's an end of it.
14There is no malice or ill feeling towards our former landlords.
15In March, the Tenancy Tribunal ordered Ms Tvarozkova to pay more than $20,000 to her former landlords for losses and damages.
16A woman, who injured her back while climbing into her rented home through a window, has lost a €38,000 damages claim against her former landlords.
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