Encara no tenim significats per a "fresh mint".
1Even the fresh mint was in the tankard on the old sideboard.
2I didn't have a fresh mint sprig for a proper garnish, obviously.
3Store fresh mint in the refrigerator similar to how you would dill.
4Lemon, lime and orange slices, cucumber and fresh mint complement any water bottle.
5Scatter some chopped fresh mint leaves over the top, and serve.
6We drank glasses of fresh mint tea in a bare room, candles flickering.
7Delicious with fresh mint and, if you dare, a drizzle of garlicky yoghurt.
8Some fresh mint along with the basil works very well.
9Use fresh mint, cilantro, chives, or basil instead of parsley.
10Garnish with a raspberry and a sprig of fresh mint.
11The soup was garnished with a sprig of fresh mint from Gabriel's herb garden.
12Top with fresh mint, salt and black pepper after 20 minutes in the oven.
13Add the fresh mint and liquidise in a food processor or using a hand blender.
14Add mint (if using fresh mint, remove sprigs after five minutes).
15The fresh mint leaves may be omitted if desired.
16Garnish with a lime wedge and fresh mint sprig.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Fresh mint a través del temps
Fresh mint per variant geogràfica