Encara no tenim significats per a "fresh relays".
1They will take fresh relays of horses; and really our only hope is in disguise.
2As the King's intentions were still unknown, fresh relays of ambassadors were sent out to him.
3The Cossacks themselves were changed at every other station, fresh relays from the men stationed there taking their place.
4From each village they passed through, boys were despatched as messengers, and their tidings were taken on by fresh relays.
5And here is a still greater absurdity: the plugging once begun is very carefully finished with fresh relays of mortar!
6Fresh relays of ants were continually arriving, and generally tired the wasp out.
7Fresh relays come every year.
8"We have fresh relays," said he, "and we travel at a snail's-pace."
9Fresh relays of executioners in Paris stood ready to relieve each other when exhausted, and the Seine was black with the bodies of the drowned.
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