Encara no tenim significats per a "fresh victory".
1There is news of a fresh victory every day now.
2And each day now was a fresh victory.
3On July 18, 1702, Sheremetief won a fresh victory over Schlippenbach-30,000Russians defeated 8000 Swedes.
4This fresh victory contributed to throw them into the utmost despair; for more than eighty of their towns submitted to the Romans.
5Credit for this fresh victory also is partly due the assistance given our Caucasian army by the troops operating in other directions in Asia Minor.
6He was not like this American, competent, energetic, full of the turbulent life of a new nation which turns easily from defeat to fresh victory.
7There were several despatches from St. Petersburg, containing news of fresh victories in India.
8No one has the right to doubt the heroism daily confirmed by our fresh victories.
9The French reverses in Egypt, however, were soon made up by fresh victories in Europe.
10There were still fresh victories to be achieved.
11He longed for new exploits, for fresh victories.
12Napoleon was then writing to the Duke of Bassano to announce daily fresh victories to the Turks.
13General MacArthur was continually receiving at his headquarters reports of fresh victories in the front and on both wings.
14Indeed, any day, in a new uniform, and under the Nineteenth Flag, the general may again be winning fresh victories and honors.
15Having won two fresh victories in two days and having paralyzed the operations of his enemies, Jackson was preparing for other bewildering movements.
16How can you witness the joy of a distant village, when you will be leading forward the armies of France to fresh victories?
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