Delicacies of French and Cantonese cuisine.
1Fry the prepared frog legs in butter, seasoning with salt and pepper.
2Add the frog legs and a few canned mushrooms cut fine.
3Add the frog legs and enough water or stock to keep from burning.
4Bring to the boil, pour over the frog legs, and serve.
5Lay the frog legs on this, cover and cook until brown.
6Add four cupfuls of prepared frog legs, and simmer until they are tender.
7They dined on garlic soup with frog legs, scallops, steak and lamb chop.
8Add salt and pepper to season, and the frog legs.
9Season prepared frog legs with salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and fry brown in butter.
10The next time he does that, I'm going to have frog legs for dinner.
11That would be followed by fried frog legs, Fran's favorite.
12Season the frog legs with salt and pepper and soak for an hour in lemon-juice.
13Butter a baking-dish, sprinkle with chopped mushrooms and crumbs, and lay the frog legs on them.
14Now it offers, among other eclectic dishes, fried frog legs prepared with a Dr. Pepper glaze.
15Meanwhile frog legs, undercooked meat and offal are likely to send Americans running for the door.
16Parboil a dozen frog legs, drain and cool.
Translations for frog legs