Encara no tenim significats per a "fruitful fields".
1They cast their greedy eyes on richer pastures and more fruitful fields.
2In marshy places they also abound, and become the medium of their conversion into fruitful fields.
3Moreover, a careful, earnest study of the art furnishes a stimulus to activity in other fruitful fields.
4Its groves and forest arches, its mirrored lake, its smiling beauties and fruitful fields, return to him.
5New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, Montgomery, Atlanta, Charleston and other cities offer fruitful fields for this work.
6The fruitful fields of pleasant Hertfordshire-
7Originally one vast forest, much of it now is covered with fruitful fields of grain, grass and orchards.
8And the fruitful fields of England
9We must be thankful and rejoice that our rivalries with them are now only in the fruitful fields of commerce.
10The year that is drawing towards its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.
11The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.
12But our colonists were sober, diligent, and persevering, and under their cheerful toil the wilderness was reduced to fruitful fields.
13She is regarded as wandering from spot to spot, and laboring to convert deserts and wildernesses into fruitful fields and gardens.
14What opportunities for engineering skill to catch and conserve the water, and turn the "barren land" into fruitful fields!
15He retires sullenly to where he shows his grim cannons, domineering the lovely valleys of Alsace and the fruitful fields of Lorraine.
16All round the village lay the fruitful fields and vineyards of the plain, and on the slopes near grew olive-trees laden with fruit.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Fruitful fields per variant geogràfica