Snarled or stalled in complete confusion.
1His father had been fucked-up for as long as Ryder could remember.
2Well, this was fucked-up, as Sami would say if she were here.
3Trust him to get involved with someone more fucked-up than a Jew!
4Keep track of every fucked-up woman who crawled into bed with me?
5Fate was playing a lot of fucked-up games with her head today.
6Shooting the dog here would have drawn all sorts of fucked-up attention.
7I kept imagining all kinds of horrible, fucked-up things happening to it.
8He looked like hell, anyone could tell he'd had another fucked-up dream.
9Moon Dog whined and stared at me with those fucked-up yellow eyes.
10We're as good as is possible in this fucked-up section of the galaxy.
11Which added to the whole fucked-up situation he found himself in.
12I had no idea where to go or stay in this fucked-up city.
13I used to tell myself that when I saw fucked-up shit.
14The end of a fucked-up journey, and the beginning of... what?
15I'm not fighting in some kind of fucked-up faerie battle in the clouds.
16It was one of the most fucked-up dreams he'd ever had.