Type of employment or study in which a person devotes a minimum number of hours.
1Scholarships are awarded each year for full-time study at accredited four-year colleges and universities.
2You might need to take a break from full-time study to build up your savings.
3The Foley Scholarship for Architecture will be for students unable to undertake the full-time study of that subject.
4Whether one-year of full-time study or two years part-time, students have to invest significant energy and money in their course.
5Among those school-leavers in England receiving their A-level results later this week, appetite for full-time study has never been stronger.
6If you're planning to give up a job for full-time study, you're going to lose a considerable amount of income.
7She will receive $10,000 a year for her full-time study for up to five years.
8She will receive $25,000 a year for her full-time study for up to two years.
9I feel I received some support for my issues but more could have been done to ease me back into full-time study after returning.
10Te Rerekohu Tūterangiwhiu was awarded the Masters scholarship which will see him receiving $15,000 a year for his full-time study for up to two years.
11The Duke of Cambridge has started full-time studies on an agriculture course at the University of Cambridge.
Translations for full-time study