In a cheerful or merry manner.
Examples for "cheerfully"
Examples for "cheerfully"
1I know several of his colleagues who would cheerfully accept the task.
2You must come up and talk to me,' ordered Sir Julian cheerfully.
3In August, the private detective industry reported, cheerfully, an uptick in business.
4Meet me in front of my house in ten, she said cheerfully.
5But he was looking forward to levelling the score, he'd said cheerfully.
1The drums in the finishing-shop hummed merrily their lively song of labor.
2Some were smoking; some chatting merrily together; some sitting in dreamy languor.
3The young man laughed merrily, as if this were a strange question.
4The peas danced merrily against the sides of an old-fashioned china bowl.
5Forward in the engine room the gas motors were soon moving merrily.
1We all heard her laughing gayly among the ladies in the hall.
2The vessel was coming gayly up the river flying the new flag.
3She waved her cigarette and cried gayly in her hearty resonant voice:
4Kneeling gayly down, we piled the wood in the deep, wide chimney.
5And they fell in gayly with her whimsy and called her T.O.
1The girls stood up in the grandstand and waved their banners gaily.
2At his command the British ensign soon fluttered gaily in the breeze.
3Out in the street the sun shone gaily down on peaceful Battersea.
4She jumped up gaily with the question still throbbing in her throat.
5You let your ward go about gaily and stylishly; I am content.
6Not ignoring the shadow of the future, we gaily celebrated the past.
7The secrecy of the undertaking heightened its charm and they marched gaily.
8Along it for five miles we gaily canoed before stopping for luncheon.
9Swiftly and gaily did the slim bark cleave through the glassy sea.
10And Doe tossed his pencil gaily into the air and caught it.
11I'm in my Ruby Keeler phase, the young man told Ignatius gaily.
12He took his hands in his usual uncouth way, and asked gaily:
13In small groups they chattered gaily, laughing and glancing here and there.
14They walked along dusty country roads passing donkeys pulling gaily painted carts.
15She looked towards the sky, and then at the gaily-lighted house opposite.
16Excusing myself, I took her in charge and we moved gaily off.
Gaily per variant geogràfica