A drug prepared from the cannabis plant, that is smoked or ingested for its euphoric effect.
1He got drunk, smoked some ganja and started tearing up his Bible.
2Answer Man's opinion about climbing and ganja follows its general use.
3When I first smelled Carmenere, for example, it reminded me of ganja smoke.
4EBONY.com talks with the hip-hop legend about acting, music and ganja.
5I said: What are you on, fellas, meth or ganja?
6It was also before the smoking ban, so the whole place reeked of ganja.
7Or maybe experimenting with some indoor hydroponic farming, growing ganja.
8That's when his drinking and his ganja smoking started to get out of hand.
9Getting caught with ganja in Krung Thep is a favorite.
10Geographic limitations probably impede Uruguay's ganja tourism opportunities globally.
11Nothing but a pack of small-time punks peddling ganja.
12I heard sometime ago that in Marley's case, there was a problem with his embracing ganja.
13Listen, they got two types of ganja here.
14Even the ganja buzz doesn't soften my mood.
15She grows ganja next to her geraniums and "Gee milacres!" is her go-to exclamation.
16The ganja was raw and matted so Ferral had to rip it up with his fingernails.