The best stain for acetic acid preparations is, perhaps, gentianviolet.
In the helpful, unthinking way that Corfiotes have, his cousin had given him a packet of gentianviolet.
They wont take cochineal: they wont take methylene blue; they wont take gentianviolet: they wont take any coloring matter.
Materials and methods: Two groups of anterior lens capsules obtained during the cataract surgery, gentianviolet stained and non-stained, were incubated with fluorescent dye Fura-2.
Ehrlich Röt, perhaps, or GentianViolet.
She said he had imbued her favorite playing spot, a rock boulder, with gentianViolet, a lethal gas that would kill her alone.
This 5,000ft pass lies under the looming massif of White Horse mountain and is carpeted in smaller flowers: purple orchids, yellow oxlips, and gentianviolets.