Encara no tenim significats per a "get the brain".
1Not a human, or I'd get the brain signature.
2If he have only to sit and attend to a certain thing, he will get the brain fever.
3I live in Rathfarnham and I try to get a brisk walk in before I start work, to get the brain going.
4This is why, says Smith, "they make bags of crisps so noisy, to get the brain to think: fresh fresh fresh."
5Picking the right hobby is a great way of doing just that, so here are a few suggestions to get the brain juices flowing.
6We learned lots of things and it really got the brain going.
7You never thought of it by yourself, because you haven't got the brains.
8I doubt he's got the brains to read a ketchup label.
9He's got the brain-fever as shore as you're born, and they're oozing out!
10The Bureau of-well ,no ,thosethugs haven't got the brains-butthere's always the-
11He hasn't got the brain to invent a proper verse.
12If a man's got the brains, you may as well recognize it straight away.
13She's got the brains of Asia coupled with Western energy!
14It's the other guy who has got the brains.
15You've got the opportunity and I've got the brains.
16And ate 'em, and Bruno always got the brains.
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