Narrow yarn of thread wrapped around a core.
Examples for "cordonnet"
Examples for "cordonnet"
1In the second horizontal bar, you only use the red threads of Coton à broder for knotting, not the white Cordonnet ones.
2Beaded knitting is little in request now, excepting for tobacco pouches and purses; for which you should use Cordonnet 6 fils D.M.C Nos.
3Use the same mesh for all the subsequent rows, which should be worked in a finer thread, such as Cordonnet 6 fils D.M.C No.
Disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet.
Walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury.
1But for trout and bass; strong gut or gimp is safe enough.
2Here, take a little of this; it'll put some gimp into you.
3Even with his gimp leg, Hopper had always been a better climber.
4And that thing over there in the gimp mask is Familiar Despair.
5She has a gimp arm, and she's working on Luna doing important research.
6He loved it and kept looking up at me like an obedient gimp.
7Min never had no gimp and I guess it hain't either.
8Losers who think they can trade up by fucking a gimp.
9Patterns in several colours may likewise be knotted into gimp headings of this kind.
10I cannot even enlist. She held up her gimp arm.
11What I want to know is, who's the gimp?
12The row of machine stitching was covered by gimp.
13Perhaps a brad out of the gimp of that chair would do.-Or ,stay , Iknow
14I had to gimp through a bunch of woods and climb over a goddamned fence-
15The sight of the gimp hand gets him sympathy drinks from out-of-towners stopping in the Evergreen.
16I see you are walking with a... gimp?