Examples for "gin"
Examples for "gin"
1The boy was engaged in driving the horses in a cotton gin.
2The gin was gone of course and so was the small rowboat.
3Tells about Link's search for a new place for his gin game.
4Now the singer is trying one mo' gin with a new album.
5The other drink that has become trendy in recent years is gin.
1Afterward, they read or watched television or played gin rummy or chess.
2And I was hoping maybe we could play some gin rummy tonight.
3When it came to gin rummy, Fanya Levitsky was nobody's fool.
4He'd figured on a few hands of gin rummy, maybe.
5We used to play gin rummy every Wednesday night.
6Maybe they'd play a game of gin rummy.
7Clara watched Susan and Deirdre play gin rummy.
8Portia's in the gin rummy club with me.
9Play a round of gin rummy with me.
10Sitting on your asses and playing gin rummy?
11Teddy had a passion for gin rummy.
12The New Yorker, August 23, 1941 P. 9 Talk story about gin rummy.
13He had known Manowitz for twenty years, saw him nearly every day, played chess and gin rummy with him.
14He'll like it. He handed her the notes he had written up about card counting in blackjack and gin rummy.
15Mike Nichols directed There is a discussion of the difficulties involved in playing 14 hands of gin rummy throughout the play.
16Two of the letters from Ann are written on the back of a gin rummy card and a hospital temperature chart.
Translations for gin rummy