To communicate to someone else something that we know.
1General Gratien and the Danes will probably give an account of him.
2You give an account of a very serious situation in the jail.
3Of this excursion we shall give an account in the next chapter.
4Pull yourself together, sir, will you; and give an account of yourself.
5He was supposed to give an account of the system of things.
6Whereupon the Khalifa invited him to give an account of his stewardship.
7Hence to give an account of the battle was but a step.
8Once more Bertha had to give an account of her new costume.
9Pett and Deane were summoned to give an account of some knees
10I shall have to give an account of what I say to-day.
11At dinner I was called upon to give an account of myself.
12Well, my first command is that you give an account of yourself.
13Now give an account of yourself and this wonderful father of yours.'
14Shall I give an account for what I have told you to-night?
15Are you to give an account of anything to a mixed company?
16Must I give an account of every idle word, thought, and deed?
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Give an account a través del temps
Give an account per variant geogràfica