Articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise.
1Thou shalt give tongue to-morrow when the hangman hath thee under his hands.
2He dares to give tongue to what all men think.
3I don't give tongue to order.
4Give eye unto the chosen among us, give tongue to his praises.
5Then he saw the bull and gave tongue to his own immediate excitement:
6Then he stood upon the latter and gave tongue to his hideous challenge.
7Rocco Ricci within gave tongue to the vehement damnatory dance of Pericles outside.
8When he gave tongue to his feelings he put matters bluntly and harshly.
9They gave tongue to those pig-and-poke objections voiced by Senator Coot.
10Young Arthur Benham appeared to be giving tongue to a rather sharp attack of homesickness.
11He is the voice of many; instinctively he gives tongue to what the many feel; that is all.
12And after I had given tongue to every platitude I could think of I had to take my leave.
13The Indians again gave tongue to their approval, and gathered in a ring, leaving the space between Pemaou and myself clear.
14The lodges were forsaken, and the fivescore or so members of the tribe gave tongue to their folk-chants in honor of their guest.
15Alone with Mrs. Berry, in her bedroom, Lucy gave tongue to her distress, and a second character in the comedy changed her face.
16The hoof-beats grew louder, and then the hound in the road gave tongue to the short, sharp bark that is the call to arms.
Translations for give tongue to