1They glom onto their target and prevent the virus from infecting cells.
2We figure we could just glom onto their brand and surf the success.
3Oh, God, had he decided to try to glom onto some nonexistent legacy?
4They had secrets A might glom on to, if A were still around.
5But right now you'll glom on to anybody who makes you happy in the sack.
6Now, there's an idea I can glom on to.
7Of course if there was only a gravitational force between these balls, they'd just glom together.
8Make your glom-pudding of it, will you?'
9Especially when it comes to overlooking the big picture so she can glom on to the fashion consequences.
10If we were home, he would merely glom on to us and salivate nervously all over our clothes.
11He's convinced there're these things floating around and they glom onto you and make you do bad stuff.
12And believe me, I am going to buy her the doggondest best outfit I can glom my hands on.
14She worked the burnt chestnut in with gloved numb hands, some of the color slipping inside, making the thin plastic glom to her skin.
15The knee-deep glom on the tunnel floor exhaled it in sheets and columns, never disturbed by a clean wind or a breath of dryness.
16But his narrowed eyes bounce off me, glomming on to something beyond.