Encara no tenim significats per a "glowing end".
1Halliday frowned as he stared at the glowing end of his cigar.
2He took a deep drag on it, then stared at its glowing end.
3Ruiz slid the glowing end of his cigarette into the sand and stood up.
4The Duke shook the ashes from his cigar and examined the glowing end with interest.
5But a moment later he had crushed out the glowing end in an ash tray.
6I saw it then-theglowing end of a cigarette in the shadows inside my car.
7Atherton frowned at the glowing end of his cigar.
8Then I stood up straight and the glowing end of the cigar showed from where Prescott stood.
9Another coughing spell overtook Nash and left him frowning down at the glowing end of his butt.
10Sam Gwent, holding his cigar between his fingers and looking meditatively at its glowing end, smiled shrewdly.
11Presently a small light, looking as though it might be the glowing end of a cigar, appeared ahead.
12Fifth, there is the effect on the eyes of the smoke from the glowing end of the cigarette.
13Their owner followed after, and seeing the glowing end of my cigar in the dark, advanced to say good-bye.
14He took his cigar from between his lips presently, and looked at the glowing end reflectively before throwing it away.
15Merrihew touched off a match, applied it to the black cigar, took the cigar from his teeth and inspected the glowing end critically.
16But her father was looking away from her at the glowing end of his cigar; and, as she resumed her seat, he went on:
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Glowing end per variant geogràfica