Encara no tenim significats per a "gnash teeth".
1I may wail and gnash teeth, but I pay my taxes.
2Here and there was heard the sound of gnashing teeth.
3The furious virago gazed at her with gnashing teeth.
4She flung another cake to me, and, with almost gnashing teeth, begged me to go.
5Look pleasant, please, whatever ill befalls you, for gnashing teeth is weary work and vain.
6At the same time the animals squealed and grunted their hatred and threatened with gnashing teeth.
7Small and terrible it rose again in the stillness of the night, the sound of gnashing teeth.
8Then suddenly he faced his foes; with gnashing teeth and bloodshot eyes, he charged furiously upon them.
9The accursed myrmidons of despotism, with gnashing teeth and blood-stained eyes, would rush at large over the planet.
10Then he threw me into the air above the red throats and gnashing teeth which leapt up towards me.
11He spoke rapidly, but it seemed as if the words could hardly force their way through his gnashing teeth.
12Through the hot sun plodded the three figures: the chevalier with bent head and, I doubted not, with gnashing teeth.
13It blent and mingled with a horrid tumult of grunts, of clicking cries, of gnashing teeth and little bestial cries.
14It was Tiger, panting, Tiger with eyes that glared in the midst of the darkness, Tiger with gnashing teeth-Tigergone mad.
15Even when she looked away, she heard them: laughing and squealing, gnashing teeth and beating wings, a cacophony she couldn't escape.
16They asked me what was my title to the place above their own, and I answered them with blows and gnashing teeth.