To ask in an insulting way to another person to go away from you, to stop contact with to stop bothering the person to who the insult is addressed.
1It gives me the right to tell you to go fuck yourself.
2What a trivial fucking question, why don't you go fuck yourself?
3You who are about to go fuck yourself, I salute you
4Some just tell you to go fuck yourself, literally.
5If you should go fuck yourself, I would rejoice
6So go fuck yourself.' The line went dead.
7He licked his lips and said in a cracked, thick voice, "G-g- go fuck yourself."
8Would that you would go fuck yourself
9Michael shot back, "Why don't you go fuck yourself!"
12So just go fuck yourself and tell your newspaper to go fuck itself and stop bein' a fuckin' lawyer with us.
13Wilder's ballsy film notwithstanding, it was Garbo who, faced with the blandishments of renewed fame, delivered the most authentic " go fuck yourself".
14Go fuck yourself, unless you have a key to this dump.
15Go fuck yourself with your shitty films.
16Mouse says, Go fuck yourself.