This week has been dubbed the most exciting in the history of physics - and it's all thanks to the so called godparticle.
GENEVA (Reuters) - It has been fancifully dubbed the angel of creation and, to the particular scorn of physicists, the godparticle.
Feon Federman of Fermilab calls the Higgs the " Godparticle."
Because of the great fundamental importance of the Higgs boson it has been nicknamed the GodParticle.
He regrets that the particle he identified in 1964 became known as the " Godparticle".
Ian Sample, the Guardian's science correspondent, is the author of Massive: The Hunt for the GodParticle
The Higgs boson, otherwise known as the Godparticle, is thought to give all other particles in the universe their mass.
The prize now within reach is to unveil a sub atomic particle so crucial it's been dubbed the" Godparticle".
Find the GodParticle The European Organization for Nuclear Research's (CERN) Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland is also looking for help.
A MODEL of Europe's most powerful atom-smasher is en route to Galway, just two months after the discovery of the so-called Godparticle in Switzerland.
The theoretical concept is thought to give atoms their mass and is of such importance to scientific theory, that it's been nicknamed the Godparticle.
Physicists hope to use the collider to prove the existence of the Higgs boson, or Godparticle, which gives matter in the universe its mass.
Having failed to find the predicted Higgs Boson, the so-called " Godparticle", they have now succeeded in accelerating neutrinos to a speed faster than light.