Encara no tenim significats per a "golden sunbeam".
1With a fearful yell the priest lifted the knife; I saw the golden sunbeam that rested full upon my heart shine on it.
2For an instant longer he remained near the bookcase, reading the note by a golden sunbeam that came to him from the middle window.
3Golden sunbeams, intoxicating as new wine, played on the walls and flashed gaily in at garret casements.
4And in all the mid-world nothing has ever been seen so like the golden sunbeams as was Sif's silken hair.
5As Draxy sat down and the golden sunbeams flickered around her, the Elder sank back into his seat and covered his eyes with his hand.
6"Her laugh, at times, is delicious," said Mrs. Markland, "going to your heart like a strain of music, warming it like a golden sunbeam.
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