1The goyim in the neighborhood were happier with one of their own.
2The goyim who worship them are fools and Yahweh hates them.
3The rest are nuchshleppers, goyim... present company excepted, of course.
4These are not just proscriptive laws, as the goyim imagine.
5Why are all the Jews up here either make-believe goyim or Hassidim in fancy dress?
6The refugee is young, he can fix up the business and give the goyim a good competition.
7A goy brings in goyim, you said.
8There should be no anger or aggression in the Kabbalist's heart for anybody whatsoever - even the goyim.
9Others can't be goyim soon enough.
10And the goyim from the Jews?
12It was not a time of day when people in Endingen paid a visit, either to Jews or to goyim.
13Something alliterative and goyim.
14Second Isaiah wastes no time denouncing the gods of the goyim, who, since the catastrophe, could have been seen as victorious.
15It also made the faith accessible to more people, rather as Paul had wished to make Judaism available to the goyim.
16In exile, however, philosophers such as Saadia and Maimonides were surrounded by the goyim and had absorbed some of their ideas.