Encara no tenim significats per a "great dragon".
1The Five spiritbones had been the bones of the great dragon, Ilyrion.
2What was one man more or less to this great dragon's maw!
3Perhaps the spirit of the great dragon had long ago fled the world.
4In the stone wall a window opened, and a great dragon issued therefrom.
5Summon the great dragon, Ilyrion, to drive Aelon from the heavens.
6And so there was a great dragon with a fiery crest.
7A Chinese banner, with a great dragon on it, hung over the mantel-piece.
8And there was a great dragon in that place, and the Babylonians worshipped him.
9How Torval wanted this world and he and the great dragon fought over it.
10In the same place there was a great dragon, which they of Babylon worshipped.
11There is another large lizard, known as the great dragon (Ada Guianensis).
12When the Five Vektia bones are brought together, the great dragon, Ilyrion, will be reborn.
13The great dragon healed your wounds and we brought you here to tend to you.
14The magic of the great dragon will protect her.
15The great dragon landed upon the plain and blew searing flame across the western army.
16The sun, like a great dragon, writhes in gold
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Great dragon a través del temps
Great dragon per variant geogràfica