Encara no tenim significats per a "great indignation".
1He gathered in general that they expressed great indignation against some individual.
2They expressed great indignation at the destruction of the ammunition and liquor.
3The discovery of this secret article aroused great indignation in Spain.
4This fact caused the Missouri Secessionists to feel great indignation toward the Germans.
5There was great indignation at the dropping of bombs into Antwerp.
6With great indignation Seneca, Ovid, and Juvenal reproved this barbarity of the Romans.
7There was great indignation at home when she told her story that evening.
8He also wrote with exceeding frankness, and often with great indignation.
9Prince Eugene, though his kinsman, expressed great indignation at his conduct.
10High above the noise the voice of a boy was heard in great indignation.
11The visiting team had insisted on this, to the great indignation of the locals.
12Spinola expressed great indignation that the Netherlanders should be so obstinate upon this point.
13He was going to harangue farther; but Booth, with great indignation, turned from him.
14Then an expression of great indignation came into his face.
15He always had his great indignation ready against anything underhand.
16It is past endurance! said Norman, who had worked himself up into great indignation.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Great indignation a través del temps
Great indignation per variant geogràfica