Primitive long-bodied carnivorous freshwater fish with a very long dorsal fin; found in sluggish waters of North America.
Examples for "dogfish"
Examples for "dogfish"
1Conditions were ideal which resulted in some nice fish caught, including dogfish.
2They include species like the small blue butterfly and the spiny dogfish.
3Lord Sheffield, writing in 1785, suggested herrings, seals, dogfish and sun-fish as good sources.
4Rig is also known as spotted dogfish or spotted smoothhound.
5Last time we went, all you caught was a dogfish and one starved bullhead.
1We enjoyed our visit courtesy of the USS Bowfin.
2Our tour of the Arizona Memorial was scheduled for a specific time, leaving us with just 20 minutes or so to see the Bowfin.
3Follow along with us this week on GeekMom as we visit the Battleship Missouri, Pacific Aviation Museum, USS Bowfin, and the USS Arizona Memorial.
4'Euh, that's bowfin',' suggests Cameron.
1Once again Grindle ran after him, and pinned him to the floor.
2It was Henry's partner-youngGrindle, now on the threshold of the thirties.
3Santa Claus just landed his sleigh at Grindle Point Lighthouse.
4The leech-like fashion in which Grindle stuck to his heels was not to be misread.
5I'll get Sam Grindle, their assistant advertising manager to show me the way the wheels go 'round.
6What do you think would be left of any woman's reputation after Grindle Esquire had pawed it over?
7A similar honour was bestowed on the Rev George Grindle, a minister at the Kingham Church for the Deaf.
8Last September, 35-year-old software engineer Walden Grindle died after colliding with a cliff while jumping off the popular Mt.
9Here Mrs. Grindle was forced to express an opinion of her own-alwaysa trial for the nervous little woman.
10Nobody in his senses-noteven Grindle-couldthink evil of that broad, transparent brow, of those straight, kind, merry eyes.
11Grindle got out, and Mary, her bunchy skirts held to her, took his place at the back beside Mrs. Amelia.
12But before he reached the foot of the stairs Grindle came flying down, to say that Ocock wished to speak to him.
13Besides, the news Grindle was able to give him amounted to nothing; the case had not budged since last he heard of it.
14Victor Grindle was, in fact, becoming the man of the moment-asJack himself, one might put it, had been the man of the hour.
15Informed by Grindle that the "Captain" was at liberty, Mahony passed to an inner room where he was waved to a chair.
16Further on, Zara was giving Grindle an account of her voyage "home," and ticking off the reasons that had led to her return.