Encara no tenim significats per a "grope hands".
1Beatrice moved about with pitiful, groping hands, collecting her sewing and her cottons.
2Then she wavered, reached out groping hands, and fell forward in Karl's arms.
3She slipped from the bed and walked with groping hands toward the open window.
4With groping hands he felt about the room-itwas unoccupied.
5To his groping hands they felt not unlike double-headed bootjacks.
6She stooped to him, feeling about for the little residence with tender, groping hands.
7One or two were half blind, with groping hands.
8With groping hands I still continued feeling the wood, and suddenly I pricked my left thumb.
9When she reached Joyce, she put out cold, groping hands and clutched her by the shoulders.
10Captain Whalley fell on his knees, with groping hands extended in a frank gesture of blindness.
11A step, and his groping hands were against that inner door, which yielded to their touch.
12Then they ran about, dodging her, calling her, laughing at her groping hands and hesitating steps.
13Then it was that Claire found the electric switch, with her groping hands, and pressed the button.
14Distracted by her anguish, she felt him with trembling, groping hands: "Look, look, Monsieur l'Abbe!"
15She, noting the movement, took one of the groping hands in her own and drew him gently towards her.
16Distracted by her anguish, she felt him with trembling, groping hands: "Look, look, Monsieur l'Abbe!" she exclaimed.