Encara no tenim significats per a "gruff voice".
1Nevertheless, in spite of himself, he went on in a gruff voice:
2His gruff voice was the one I'd heard talking with Luke earlier.
3When he was within talking distance he said in a gruff voice:
4He had the loud gruff voice which implies the right to command.
5He looked at the floor guiltily and spoke in a gruff voice.
6There was a lengthy delay before a gruff voice filled the line.
7And then, finally, Umar spoke, his gruff voice rumbling through the courtyard.
8Where are you? came in a gruff voice to him from below.
9His leg's broke, I think, remarked Dickinson's gruff voice at this juncture.
10She knocked at the door, and a gruff voice called, 'Come in!'
11A great gruff voice, probably a woman's, said words he did not understand.
12Then he got up to leave her, and said in his gruff voice:
13I'd almost forgotten the gruff voice on the phone earlier in the evening.
14Then to keep up his heart he sang in a loud gruff voice:
15Just then the flare of light ahead broadened and a gruff voice shouted:
16A gruff voice some distance away shouted, You're not wanted here, de Carabas.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Gruff voice a través del temps
Gruff voice per variant geogràfica