Encara no tenim significats per a "guide light".
1Bolitho saw the end of the boom and a few hunched figures around the guide light.
2If you want to guide light around a person, then essentially the material needs to know its own shape.
3Lerner's elbow jerked back toward his midriff, and from his ship came the pale guide light of a Bethe blaster.
4We investigated conditions under which cones can be imaged and could guide light, despite the proximity of less than ideal retinal pigment epithelium.
5But the guiding light, the grand aim, the ennobling influence were gone.
6He was my guiding light. His father was also active on Twitter.
7A beacon to follow, a guiding light in an otherwise empty existence.
8The Irish people saluted Chancellor Kohl as its architect and guiding light.
9It's important to remember that tarot is a helpful hand and guiding light.
10So it's perhaps no surprise her new book, Guiding Lights tells the… Audio
11The launch had vanished, and there was no guiding light in the mist.
12This, he said, will be the guiding light of his presidency.
13The guiding lights of scientific study are in these great principles.
14Its ideals are a bedrock, or perhaps a guiding light through the gloom.
15The guide lights above them were urging them to the south.
16He was a guiding light, not just for me, but for so many.
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