Encara no tenim significats per a "handle without".
1They, like me, are dry and brittle and difficult to handle without breaking.
2An' natur's a ticklish thing to handle without gloves, bless yo' soul, suh.
3Sometimes in pulling the trigger the soldier raises the bolt handle without knowing it.
4George is a problem you'll have to handle without me.
5Only you know how much you can handle without over-committing.
6How do you find the handle without groping for it?
7The stick sank in the earth up to its handle without meeting with any resistance.
8That's enough for you to handle without claiming responsibility for your wife's death, as well.
9And these Epeirae, so terrible to insects, I am able to handle without any fear.
10He will be hard enough to handle without that.
11A third source said the board would have been very difficult to handle without Thursday's move.
12Cold dough is stiffer than warm dough, so it's easier to handle without causing a loss of leavening gas.
13And I think Jules will have about all the trouble he wants to handle without adding any to it.
14We men were clumsy thinkers, and one thing at a time was all we could handle without fumbling it.
15Carlisle looked likely to lose the battle and I thought he would find the situation easier to handle without me there.
16It's much easier to stir the custard constantly if you can hold the handle without a dish towel or pot holder.
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