(Of rules) stringently enforced.
1But timing will depend on costs and market conditions, not hard-and-fast schedules.
2There are no hard-and-fast rules in this State about advertising in schools.
3No hard-and-fast deadlines exist for getting a deal done, Glenn told Reuters.
4I did impose one hard-and-fast rule: a degree of consistency is required.
5But there are no hard-and-fast rules on who should be on them.
6As far as I am concerned, I cannot make any hard-and-fast plans.
7Lord Ormont thinks he had too hard-and-fast a system for the battle-field.'
8Rich nations are reluctant to make hard-and-fast commitments to boost funding.
9You will have hard work to settle it down into hard-and-fast noncommittal lines.
10There are no hard-and-fast rules for how to make chop suey.
11You are too big, too comprehending, Mr. Hodder, to have a hard-and-fast rule.
12There are no hard-and-fast rules, but these guidelines should help.
13She taught me to dance against and around the hard-and-fast beat of the music.
14But it now seems this is not a hard-and-fast rule.
15In any event, it's partly speculation on our part, with very little hard-and-fast proof.
16Some arrangement that partook more of the hard-and-fast was needed.