The gathering of a ripened crop.
1It was harvest home at Harar, a circumstance which worked us much annoy.
2The Feast of Tabernacles was a great national harvest home.
3The present time is harvest home for the prophets.
4This is a secret I learned last harvest home, from one of my Irish haymakers.
5Gather me when you bring the harvest home.
6The so-called improvident blacks actually used to have a harvest time, and a harvest home too.
7That yields their sickle twice its harvest home.
8The Indians alone appreciate this portion of Nature's bounty and celebrate the harvest home with dancing and feasting.
9The songs sung by the labourer at the alehouse or the harvest home are not of his own composing.
10Such was the harvest home in the good old days, a joy and delight to both old and young.
11Age was bringing me no " harvest home."
12Come to the harvest work, and you too, with arms full of golden sheaves, shall shout the harvest home.
13He has no ' harvest home.'
14Friends, it is not only the harvest home that we are celebrating to-night; but this is also a Wedding Feast.
15After work, came the recreations, dancing and playing in the greenwood, and the " harvest home." She was a thorough housewife.
16For miles and miles and miles summer ripens no crops, leads out no maidens laughing in the moonlight, and brings no harvest home.
Translations for harvest home