Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure.
Examples for "damn "
Examples for "damn "
1 They appealed to the old law to discredit and damn the new.
2 So for the sake of principle he continued to damn the fellow.
3 First, the supposed divine charter of the Church to save and damn .
4 I'm in no humour for a ride in that damn hot train.
5 He struck his hand down on the desk: Well, damn the Scotch.
1 The thought of her in the hands of the ape-men was odious .
2 It is odious ; but that is the way the job is done.
3 Set free by the sun and the wind, it is odious , intolerable.
4 With all vigor I defend myself against the odious charge of virtuousness.
5 But an odious suspicion had sprung up in the mind of Pope.
1 Above the general din he heard the detestable voice of the turnkey.
2 The national taste, in the meantime, was to the last degree detestable .
3 The vulnerable side of Tony Soprano made his detestable character deeply likable.
4 They'd be right to detest us: beside them, we would be detestable .
5 So I went on to a detestable brutal inn in the town.
1 The animal was reviled as dangerous vermin and a threat to cattle.
2 The guerrillas received special terms under a peace deal reviled by Uribe.
3 Yet on this subcontinent he was the most reviled criminal in history.
4 And many mourned for Pan while the builders built; many reviled him.
5 Sword in hand he sprang at once upon Minerva and reviled her.
1 And today, she'd been hearing strange, unsavory things about herself... from everyone.
2 A few years later a more unsavory scenario for Jennings's mishap emerged.
3 There are a whole lot of unsavory lifestyles in the animal kingdom.
4 But enough of unsavory him: the clique remained and treasured his doctrine.
5 Even if he had to look for it in unsavory places sometimes.
1 Ichthyofauna of a mountain stream dammed by beaver Archives of Polish Fisheries.
2 Between the ridges flowed the sluggish Antietam, dammed up for milling purposes.
3 The little Guadelle river, a tributary of the Aliso, was completely dammed .
4 The pain of these recollections dammed the torrent of Mr. Tubbs's speech.
5 A mountain stream had been dammed so as to make an island.
1 I tried TV3's new news hour on Ireland AM but hated it.
2 It didn't occur to him to feed the thing; he hated animals.
3 In reality, he hated alcohol in any form during the earlier hours.
4 For a good year, I hated everything I recorded, vocally at least.
5 She hated the idea of making a mistake, especially a public mistake.
6 The infanta hated the idea of the sacrifice, as she considered it.
7 I remember from last year I hated grass for the first week.
8 He loved peace; he hated bloodshed; his heart was generous and kind.
9 The people were sick of taxes; they hated the thought of war.
10 You gave yourself to him; you saw your mistake; you hated him.
11 And swung his fist into the hated face reflected in the metal.
12 No; Ethel hated herself for the wish that arose for the moment.
13 They used to ask me if people hated me because I'm beautiful.
14 Burns regarded her somberly; he hated to be interrupted in his work.
15 His heart had been cased in ice; he had hated every one.
16 She hated smoking and drinking; habits he has long since given up.
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hate Verb
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