Have sexual intercourse with.
Examples for "know"
Examples for "know"
1A senior government source said: We know what companies' investment criteria is.
2However, we know where that road leads today, when food is abundant.
3You know, in other words the end result, Trump said without explanation.
4WANT to know the most dangerous words in the market right now?
5But we know subsidy leads to distortion, leads to longer term problems.
1KJC: I really love designing products for different people and different occasions.
2We love our state and we're concerned for its future…, he said.
3TIM: I would love to visit South Africa if given the opportunity.
4Young children often love to hear the same story again and again.
5I hope our love can continue in this chaotic time, he said.
1May 20:-Requiresspoon-feeding; sleeps well; remains always in bed in stiff attitudes.
2If everyone went right to bed, they could continue their new explorations.
3I went to bed that night still concerned about my employment situation.
4Young men who were friends of the family carried her funeral bed.
5She entered; it was empty; the bed had not been slept in.
1Or else to actually fuck you-I'venever been quite clear on that.
2We used to fuck around like that: Try a longer strap, John.
3You want to get right out into it right the fuck now.
4Now be so good as to drink your water and fuck off.'
5I like how increasingly fashion is available that's saying fuck the rules.
1So whenever you talk about the free market -or free jazz!
2The week of jazz runs for seven days from Monday, September 20th.
3Today in music history, jazz musician Lyle Mays died earlier this week.
4A buzzing trombone, an insinuating saxophone: jazz, played a long way off.
5Of course, I never go to jazz clubs when I am home.
1The message is clear: big bang Friday was a good day's work.
2Not after the bang: the heart attack I had two years ago.
3I think that's an absolutely bang-on way to go about arranging society.
4Uncertainty and reality collided with a bang for Americans and American tennis.
5Another week of Isidingo means we start Monday off with a bang.
1Austria, also, claims the honour of the invention of the screw steamer.
2The faint crunching sound of the screw going into the wood ceased.
3Nail or screw the buttons to the table, as shown in Fig.
4The screw had two arms and was over nine feet in circumference.
5Just a screw-up on my part. Neither starting quarterback returned to action.
1So you're losing out on the square root of absolutely eff all.
2What the effing eff do you expect me to do with this?
3The next, you're wondering where the eff you left those insulated mittens.
4Also read: EFF calls on SA government to grant Mugabe political asylum
5However, the auction has been delayed due to the EFF's application today.
1We are going to work really hard to get over the hump.
2He watched a tiny hump of land far across the starboard bow.
3The upper deck in the hump traditionally houses the business class section.
4Unfortunately for Abbie, the date concludes and not one hump is thrust.
5The hump rose up and took on the dimensions of an animal.
1But they kept on shouting, and soon we heard a knock-knock-thumpa-thumpa-bonk-bonk nearby.
2This is a metabolic bonk where you completely run out of energy.
3Then a lady comes in, I forget who she is, and you bonk.
4But if you don't do anything else, it just goes bonk.
5It hit the end of its runners with a hollow bonk.
1She said Louise had gone, and let us make love right away.
2In other words, they should stop fighting the inevitable and make love.
3Fortunately, or unfortunately, he didn't try to make love to her now.
4I was going to make love perhaps for the first time ever.
5The burning need to make love to her grew stronger every day.
1But he's certainly clear that I'm not going to sleep with him.
2I can tell, right now, that he wants to sleep with me.
3You sleep with Colleen, then break up with her a week later?
4He will sleep with Milling and the others in dormitory number two.
5We try to get to know them before we sleep with them.
1I laid down the law to them: 'You will not get laid.
2Here, if you get laid off or leave, there's a hundred jobs.
3All he ever seemed to do was get laid and make money.
4No matter how bad the economy gets , you'll never get laid off.
5During your life you could lust and get laid all you wanted.
1They have sex several times a day for the next few days.
2Now you think I'm 'fragile' because I don't want to have sex.
3She may have sex, but you need to help her protect herself.
4However, you do not need him intact to have sex with him.
5One testicle is fine; it doesn't affect the ability to have sex.
1To do it right, you need a good candidate and great information.
2However, he added: I think there's a good chance they'll do it.
3The question, of course, is why does Greene continue to do it.
4In fact, it's a great way to learn; just do it intentionally.
5Only one problem with the idea; Jane did n't want to do it.
1There must be intimate social order, and this is the method provided.
2Our relations with the French Republic continue to be intimate and cordial.
3Let it drop for the future, if we are to be intimate.
4Our relations must continue to be intimate, and they should be friendly.
5I cannot yet judge well, but think we shall not be intimate.
1She says that although they did not have intercourse, Johnson fondled her.
2People say you can get a lot expressed if you have intercourse.
3Do you ignore her concerns and pressure her to have intercourse?
4There is nothing physically that builds up and pushes her to have intercourse.
5She struggled violently and Kürten tried to have intercourse with her standing up.
1Helen, I must have it away.
2Perhaps a bright young man who was quick on his feet might have it away down that road to safety.
4"But the local buggers will have it away with anything." He glared at Stan, who gave him a bland look.
5'Tell your man to open the door to me at eight o'clock on Monday morning,' he replied, 'we'll have it away without any fuss.
1Probably so...say, do you think he'll have it off at one stroke?
2Indeed, I'm not sure I'll not have it off as it is.
3Well, I'd have it off-asquick as it could come, that's all.
4My flannel shirt stuck to, and impeded me; I would have it off.
5But first we're going to have it off with you properly.
1Clark said responsibility for the situation must lie with the RNZ board.
2The answer may lie with Turkey, which borders Syria to the north.
3Control over the funds would lie with the countries receiving the money.
4And to their amazement the girls began to lie with each other.
5If he lie with her, let him make bot with 60 shillings.
1We get it on a line the same as the other goods.
2I could get it on him, but could not keep it there.
3Because it's interesting to get it on with somebody half my size.
4To get it on the shoulders of the Kafirs was the next difficulty.
5She got it bottled, and worked diligently to get it on the market.
1We don't sleep together -not since the first year with you.
2I will wish that we could sleep together, just one more time.
3Let Your Excellency go on: the duchess and I will sleep together.
4He draws me in and we sleep together or date a bit.
5New people come out of women when men and women sleep together.
1That doesn't mean he wants any more than a quick roll in the hay.
2How about a roll in the hay with a scoundrel?
3Go full out for a lusty roll in the hay.
4A dry piece of chicken and a roll in the hay with their hillbilly cousin.
5They said that one lad or the other had taken a roll in the hay with her.
1We stopped and listened, not quite able to make out the words.
2However, she's actually far more lovely-looking than she likes to make out.
3We'll make out a list of all the things we shall need.
4Soon it was possible to make out the results of the battle.
5Lorraine heard his low voice, although she couldn't make out the words.
1Well, I will have a go at it, at any rate.
2He made up his mind to have a go at it.
3The others did have a go at it later, though.
4That notion struck my fancy, and I nearly decided to have a go at it.
5I wanted to have a go at it.
6Here, let me have a go at it.
7I tried to fend him (Xavier Garbajosa) off and then have a go at it.
8Considering your many wonderful attributes, I might just be willing to let you have a go at it.
10And it's a fantastic opportunity, and when it comes along you can't do anything but have a go at it.
11When Cartier's had a go at it, it'll be something like!
12Sam Bailey had a go at it, and I did.
13I was skint, so I had a go at it.
14Several officers also spoke, and I myself had a go at it, although I kept to politics.
15Have a go at it, super women.
Translations for have a go at it